While consumer centric strategies are being challenged during these unusual times, Mushin offers to place the final consumer at the heart of companies’ creative processes. An answer to develop products remotely, visually and digitally, by uniting product stakeholders. A digital platform for visual co-creation, a digitalized focus group.

Developing products and innovating remotely, it’s possible!
From first product inspirations to approval of samples, product owners are not connected enough to other actors of the product development process. Communication within multidisciplinary teams is linear and sequential most of the time, with only 20% of creative ideas being saved in the upstream process.

Thanks to real time and visual interactions, Mushin makes the process efficient and accessible: 100% of ideas, product intentions and adjustments are capitalized, and multi-skilled teams are coordinated. A common collaboration platform to guarantee innovation, involvement, and a strong link between all product stakeholders.

For Cuisinella, “engaging consumers in the innovation”, great!
“Gather together and place the consumers in the innovation process to develop new products ideas in few weeks”. Early adopter Cuisinella, from the Schmidt group, used the Mushin interface to revolutionize the product development process by placing the final customer at its center and truly bring to life their consumer-centric strategies.

Used as a digital focus group, Mushin brings a live solution to listen to consumer trends allowing to identify pain points and imagine together product innovations. The platform aligns the product engineer and designers with the final consumer through a direct dialogue. Cuisinella places consumer needs at the center of its creative process, all 100% remotely.

About Mushin
Founded in 2013 in France, Mushin is the first platform of visual sharing and chat for product teams. Its concept revolves entirely around the founders’ conviction: « when we speak about products we must speak visually”. Organizing images and discussing efficiently around those insights to innovate.

Bernard Soriano


Today, the need for creating innovative product is stronger than ever. Doing business across several countries, hiring people half a world away, these kinds of practices aren’t problems anymore. The success of an organization is rather how much they can differenciate themselves from the competition.

From trends analysis to product launch on the market, the upstream phase of the creative process can be confronted to impediments. Collaborative tools aim to help teams in reducing these obstacles.

Upstream creative process cycle for product conception

Here are 5 key ingredients to add to your product conception recipe :

  1. “Creativity” doesn’t mean “to be original”

A so called creative product has to be innovative and original. But not only.

Get the answer to client’s expectations is crucial within the upstream creative process. A product that looks awesome but which is useless will never last long. Its lifecycle won’t last more than the chocolate bar we’ve just hidden in our bedside table.

  1. To be consistent with the company’s DNA

Blackberry Inc. is a well-known example that caracterizes this issue. The Canadian smartphone producer fought against the competition, forgetting its own identity. When we conceive goods that are not aligned with the firm’s values and culture, they won’t get a chance to survive. Respecting the enterprise’s DNA during the creative process assures the product’s success. Chances to catch those who are loyal to the brand image and to the firm’s messages delivery are higher.

  1. Internal and external inspirations combination

Feeding ourselves from competition moves and checking company’s archives allow teams to get inspired from their current operational domain. Yet the most famous inventions of our history didn’t come from our working environment. Daily details, travels, hobbies and many other things,  are precious sources of our imagination.

  1. The fear of sharing

Although they might be brilliant from a personal point of view, ideas might not get the same success to other co-workers. Sharing a drawing can help better improving it. This statement doesn’t mean that individual reflexion period should be blamed. On the contrary, it gives time to creative people to grow their ideas before sharing them to the rest of the team.

  1. Some explanations ?

Saying “a stylist is inspired” is not very surprising. But it’s essential for him/her to argument and justify his/her thoughts. These elements help to give a clear perception to others of what the stylist’s creation really looks like. Have a good understanding of the product ensures better results at the end.

Did you know Mushin makes sure all these ingredients are included in the creative conception recipe? Visual gathering and sharing are now facilitated. Users make their ideas growing individually before getting feedbacks from the others.

Don’t wait. Get more information:

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[mk_title_box color= »#007AC9″ highlight_color=00000″# » highlight_opacity= »0.3″ size= »18″ line_height= »34″ font_weight= »inherit » margin_top= »0″ margin_bottom= »18″ font_family= »none » align= »center »] « Creativity is just connecting things » [/mk_title_box]

Ben Chestnut is MailChimp‘s co-founder and CEO. He explains how he empowers creativity in his company at The Summit, in 2012. The main challenge is to find how to inspire people to make great things. His answer may surprise you !

[mk_blockquote font_family= »none » text_size= »18″ align= »center »_color= »#007AC9″]Let your teams fail in order to make them get better at it ![/mk_blockquote] As a leader, the only thing you can do is to give them TIME. If one of your team member asks you 2 months to work on a project, you give him 1 month knowing that the first week will be the most intense and efficient creative phase.

Nobody is perfect, we learn from our experience and our mistakes !

You want them to be highly creative ? Value their work, their personality and let them do what they do best: CREATE.  As long as they are confident, inspiration will trickle down and burst at the seams.

Be aware that your guys will still procrastinate, seek perfection and get distracted yet miraculous things will happen! BUT keep in mind not rest on your laurels, you may take time for them. Explain why they are building it and let them choose!


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